Wednesday, October 8, 2014


It's not anything glamorous. I wasn't going anywhere terribly special, but it's what I wore today.
I love fashion, but I've never really felt comfortable posting WIWW posts. Even though I enjoy seeing other's, I kind of wonder, "Who cares what I wear?" (And I always feel dumb posing for it.
As much as I love fashion and wearing cute things, I tend to just wear a T-shirt and denim skirt most days. Because it's just more practical, and becoming a mom has made that quite necessary.
They are pretty much the only things that will work with the extreme size fluctuations becoming a mom entails, but I won't get started on that!
So, we walked down to one of the local restaurants for dinner. The sunset was beautiful.
You've probably noticed that the pictures on this blog aren't very good, that is because they are pretty much all from my phone. Also, they are grouped at the end because I am posting from my phone and that is how the blogger app works. :-/


  1. that was a beautiful evening! And, you look great ;)

  2. Thank you! I was super tired and don't hide that well. :)

  3. Bless your heart! Can I have one of those too? ;)
    You're every bit a beautiful woman now as you ever were!! I am looking forward to discovering what 'mama changes' come with the growth of a young one...when that time comes.
    P.S Pics look good too. You just have to luvvv sunsets! ;)

    1. Thank you! And, yes, sunsets are generally very awesome...literally.
