Friday, October 3, 2014

Oh! The joys of life

It's a bit ironic that I chose the topic I did at this point in my life.
"Embracing Life and it's Changes"
Embrace life. That can be a bit of a challenge! Changes.... They happen continually. Sometimes less or more dramatically than other times. And some times more welcome than others.
I have a tendency to feel more complaining, rather than embracing.
Last night, I got home after being at work all day and spending the evening at my parents' house (they watch my daughter for the one day a week I work). I was ready to post and guess what? The electricity was out...and my phone battery was low, which meant no posting.
I will spare you all the sordid details, just imagine your electricity has been out all night and you will get the idea. :-)
DH was gone all night... just to make me really comfy. Kidding! (BTW, have I mentioned how much he works? I really appreciate his dedication to providing for our family. I just wish that he didn't have to spend so many hours away.)
My parents kindly offered that we could bring our deep freezer over to their house and crash here. Thanks Mom and Dad!
But I think, "What about all stuff in the fridge?" "I need to do this load of laundry." (Even though every other load is done, which is amazing!) Worry, stress...NO! I'm blessed! Yes, those things are true. But I've so much to be thankful for.
Like the tree that fell on a wrecked car under our bedroom window, and even though it sounded very creepy all night, didn't damage our house. Or the fact that while the first part of the night was miserable because the AC was working, but the storm at least brought cooler weather, so the rest of the night was fine.
Well, I'm not sure if this made any sense. Just what I've been thinking about.
Also, I'm blogging from my phone now, since our WiFi isn't working. We shall see if it works!
Blessing to you! Thanks for stopping by. :-)
P.S. They say it could take up to 3 days to get the electricity up and going.

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