Sunday, June 26, 2011

Headed up to Colorado

Ok people. I know its been like forever since I last posted. I know, I know. I probably missed it more than y'all missed my random nothings.
Anyway, we've been in Colorado for almost two weeks now. I have been busy trying to settle, temporarily. We have had no other internet except for our phones, and we all know what a joke it is to try and blog on phones, at least it is on mine. And I didn't even have a computer to due drafts on, most of the time, because Caleb's family had our laptop. Ok, I'm sure you're not reading this to hear me complain, good 'cause I wasn't!
On the way up here, I started a draft, then never got around to publishing it due to the lack of time and internet. But I thought you might like to read it anyway:
(June 13, Mon.)
Yesterday we had one last day in Texas before heading to Colorado. We went to church, and Caleb gave the message. He’s done it quite a bit in the past, but not for awhile, and I’ve never heard him speak in a church. He did very good. I was impressed ;)
After church, we went to my folks house for lunch. Luke and Victoria came over and ate with us. After lunch, Joe Z. and Carla came we visited, hung out and played music-very fun.
We left for Colorado around 6pm.
Around 4am, driving through New Mexico, we came to a road block due to a wild fire on the border of CO and NM. Thus, a very long detour awaited us because several roads were blocked.
About 5:15 this morning, I woke up to a jolt and Caleb slowing the car down. We had just hit a deer…
And that, dear friends, is as far as I got. Pitiful, right? I will try to complete it.
The car was pretty banged up, but fared better than the deer, who ran about 10 yards and keeled over :(
The hood was bent in half, the radiator messed up, the right head-light busted and it was hard to open the passenger door.

Caleb yanked on the front fender and got the door to open, then he jumped on the hood to flatten it enough so it wasn't blocking his view.

 After he messed with the engine for a while, mainly the radiator, we limped on up to Grand Jct. We were able to drive it but had to be very careful not to let it over-heat. Going over a mountain pass, we had to open the windows all the way and turn the heater on full blast to keep it from over-heating. Apparently, that wasn't quite enough because we still had to stop and let it cool down at the top. (Don't ask me how that works-running a heater to cool the engine-but it does.)

We stopped in Gunnison, CO at a pizza place, and had some awesome over filling baked-ziti. We got to Grand Jct. around 9pm.
Ez stayed here for a little over a week, then went back to Tx. last Wednesday. It was fun to have her here.
Caleb needed to up-grade his phone, so Ez and I went with him to check out the phones and we all left the store with a new phone. Caleb got some Google Android, and Ez and I got the Samsung Epic Android. I really like it. However, it won't let me blog and I can't tether it to the laptop for internet-one of the main reasons we got it :(
Until later...

Friday, June 10, 2011

My week...

Caleb has been working all week, so whenever I wasn't with family or friends, I was by myself. Being alone gives me time to think. (While that is good, I wouldn't recommend it long-term. You start missing people!) With all the thinking time I've had this last week, I started a new blog. That's right, another blog! I know, your probably thinking, "You don't post in this blog enough, what's gonna happen to 'the traveling bride'?"

Okay, this is the deal. "the traveling bride" is a blog to keep people up to date with what is going on in our lives. But my new blog, "Modest Clothing" is my baby.

You see, I've had this dream to be able to provide women that desire to dress modestly, with formal attire that they dictate the level of modesty. Everyone is a little different. But right now, traveling, I obviously can't do that. So instead, I will simply seek and find sources of modest clothing, and feature them in my blog for my friends.

Don't worry, I understand not everybody is in to this sort of thing, and that is cool. But it's here for those that are :)

(A picture of Ez and I the night we were baptized, wearing dresses we made.)


Monday, June 6, 2011

All about me!

Ok, I've seen different facebook friends of mine take these questionnaires. I've never done any of them before...but thought, why not?
I went online and found a few quizzes and took them, because I wanted to spare those of you that have done them, from being tagged ;)
So, if there's anything you ever wondered about it is. Hope it doesn't bore you!

The Basics:
Full Name?: Ruhamah Ammiel Arispe-Jenks
Nicknames?: Ru
Birthday?: 9-11-89
Birthplace?: Crawford, CO
Current Location?: Chilton, TX
Eye Color?: Brown
Hair Color?: Brown
Long or Short Hair?: I can sit on
Tall or Short?: 5' 7" you decide.
Piercings?: nope
Tattoos?: no siree
Righty or Lefty?: Well, I write with my left hand, but do everything else with my right. So, idk.
Elementary School?: Homeschool
Middle School?: Homeschool
High School?: Homeschool
Siblings?: 3 sisters and 2 brothers
Wear glasses/contacts?: yep, both.

First Best Friend?: I don't remember
First Time You Moved?: When I was 9 weeks old, my parents moved from Colorado, where I was born, to Texas.
First Celebrity Crush?: ahh...those are dumb
First Teacher?: my mom
First Scary Movie?: probably...Saving Private Ryan
First Pet?: a cat named skeezix

When was the last time you...
cried?: watching pilgrims progress
played a sport?: volleyball is the only sport I've ever played and its been way too long.
laughed?: this evening
hugged someone?: tonight at church, a girlfriend
kissed someone?: 10 minutes ago
felt depressed?: about 2 or 3 weeks ago
felt elated?: mmm...I don't get over-excited very easily
felt overworked?: probably when I was 12, idk
faked sick?: I hope never!
lied?: that's a tough one, I got over that around the age of 13, for the most part.

What was the last..
word you said?: Goodnight
thing you ate?: a donut
thing you drank?: milk
song you listened to?: Long Black Train by Josh Turner (love his voice!)
book you read?: Forgotten Voices of the Holocaust
time you painted your nails?: I got a french manicure for my wedding, does that count?
place you went to?: Wade's for evening church
movie you saw?: I don't remember the name but it was something starring Shirley Temple.
movie you rented?: never rented one
concert you attended?: sights and sounds theater a musical play depicting the story of Joseph.

Who was the last person you...
hugged?: Jolynn
cried over?: idk
kissed?: Mr. Hubby!
danced with?: Caleb
shared a secret with?: my sister
had a sleepover with?: its been a while-don't remember
called?: Dad
went to a movie with?: never been to one
saw?: Caleb
were angry with?: my brother
couldn't take your eyes off of?: huh? a cute little girl at church
obsessed over?: what?! I'm a very non-obsessive person
texted?: my husband
called?: my dad

Color?: aqua, turquoise
TV Show?: idk, there's too many and we don't have a tv.
Candy?: root beer barrels, maybe, its hard to pick
Drink?: Coke
Animal?: ummm...which animal makes no noise, mess, nor smells? I'll take that one!
Restaurant?: Sonic
Clothing Store?: Kohl's
Day of the Week?: Saturday
Season?: Spring
Weather?: partly sunny with a cool breeze-about 70 degrees
Holiday?: Christmas

What is your favorite...
gum: winterfresh
emotion: contentment
thing to do on a half day: ummm...idk
late-night activity: reading, movies or phone conversations
sport: yuck, none
city: idk, i don't really like the city
store: really?

Have you ever...
been in the hospital?: once, after an accident when I was 5
had surgery?: no, thankfully
failed a grade?: nope
been drunk?: no
been arrested?: nope
been camping?: yes, a few times with my family
stayed awake longer than 24 hours?: maybe...once
studied abroad?: that would be cool. no
been in a car accident?: yes, 2
caused a car accident?: I hope not, but for sure not when I was driving.
broken a cell phone?: I don't think so
prank called a teacher?: Mom was my only teacher and That would've been more work than its worth.
taken gymnastics?: no
gone skinny dipping?: NO
kissed a total stranger?: nope
gone bungee jumping?:!
ridden a rollercoaster?: sure, if emotional ones count
gotten kicked out of a movie theater?: no, never been in one :)
held a conversation with a homeless person?: I may have talked to one, but remember every really having a conversation.
had someone close to you die?: ya :'(
danced in the rain?: does jumping around count?
kissed someone?: dah! I'm married :x
done drugs?: nope
drank alcohol?: gross!
slept around?: wow! no
partied 'til the sun came up?: not quite, just til right before ;)
had a movie marathon?: no, wha! t a waste of time
gone too far on a dare?: I don't do dares, sorry people :)
spun until you were immensely dizzy?: ya, as a kid
shoplifted:: once, unintentionally as a kid

Do you...
use chapstick?: ya, sometimes
recycle?: when I can
have a lucky number?: well...I don't really believe in luck...but if I did, it would be 11.
write songs/poems?: ya
have a journal/diary?: ya
have a sketchbook?: no
believe in love at first sight?: Love is like a flower, it buds and then blossoms out. Like all things worthwhile, it takes time.
go to church?: yes-I love my church :)
have a job?: ummm...I did, but quit to get married. I do miss it.
have a curfew?: does a self inflicted one count?
still watch Disney movies?: well...I wouldn't pick it, but if it was on...
wear makeup?: does lip gloss and powder count?
play an instrument?: ya, the piano and a little guitar, but I'm very out of practise

This or That?
Call or Text?: text, its quicker-get to the point. Unless you want to catch up or something, than calling is fine.
Hot or Cold?: cold ice cream on a hot day :)
Writing or Typing?: Written cards are nice, but for anything else, typing is way faster.
Books or Movies?: depends on my mood and the book or movie, but usually probably book.
Rap or Country?: country, hands down. rap is missing the letter "c" at the beginning.
Guitar Hero or Rock Band?: guitar hero? cheesy
Weekdays or Weekends?: weekends
Jeans or Sweats?: ahh...neither, dress or jean skirt :)
Waffles or Pancakes?: waffles-for special occasion-because they take forever to make for a large family.
Vanilla or Chocolate?: chocolate
Cats or Dogs?: neutered fem! ale cat. they can\'t bark like a dog or stink like a male cat.
Pepsi Or Coke?: Coke
McDonald's Or Burger King?: neither, but, ok...McDonald's
Single Or Group Dates?: I love girls' nights ;)
Lipton Ice Tea Or Nestea?: Lipton
Chocolate Or Vanilla?: Chocolate
Cappuccino Or Coffee?: Cappuccino

Random stuff:
How do you want to die?: with my heart right and at peace with God and man
What do you want to be when you grow up?: depends on what your definition of "grown-up" is
What country would you most like to visit?: England
Do you like thunderstorms?: if we need rain
Do you play an instrument?: ya, the piano and a little guitar
Do you shower daily?: really?!
Have you been in love?: I'm married, people!
Do you want to go to college?: yep
Do you want to get married?: hello...not again!
Do you believe in yourself:: ahhh...sometimes, idk if that's a good, or a bad thing.
Do you get motion sickness?: not very easily
Do you think you are attractive?: it depends on what you find attractive
Are you a health freak?: healthy people are just dying slower, but I do try, if possible, to take care of myself.

What is...
your weakness?: there's probably too many to list here and everyone has a different opinion about what qualifies as a weakness. But its probably procrastination.
your fears?: I try not to have too many of those, but probably if I\'m a good follower of Christ or a good wife.
your perfect pizza?: thick crust with tomato sauce, onions, mushrooms, olives and sausage with lots of cheese
goals you would like to achieve this year?: figure out where we are headed with life. plan a mission trip, get a job
your most overused phrase in online chatting?: lol :)
your first thoughts waking up?: "I'm not ready to get up." and "Oh no! I over-slept."
your best physical feature?: I have no idea, you'll have to ask my husband ;)
your bedtime?: whenever I get around to it or am too tired to concentrate anymore
your most missed memory?: Missed memory?!? Grief! They're m-e-m-o-r-i-e-s people. Look it up. And if I can't remember a memory, how am I to know to miss it?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Home...What is that?

Okay. So we are in Texas-my home for 21 years of my life.
We see friends and they say to me, "Welcome back home!" Then Caleb talks about the coming trip to Colorado as "Headed home". Then...there is our house in Minnesota.
Where is HOME?!

They say home is where the heart is...

So we are in Texas...I love it here. To me this seems the most like home, but it only truly does right now because my husband is with me. He definitely has my heart, and some people would say my brain, as well! (But that is another story ;)

We got here late last Friday night and surprised my folks the next morning. (They weren't expecting us 'til that night.) We hung out with my folks that day. Sunday we went to my church. I know that sounds crazy but this is taking some adjustment. Sunday afternoon...more family time. Monday Mom and I went shopping. Very fun but slightly different :)
All week Caleb worked with Dad and the boys. Mornings I stayed where we are staying, sorting things out, doing laundry, etc. Afternoons at my folks place with the girls.
This weekend, however, Caleb is working out of town with some guys from church. The opportunity has been a huge blessing. But...the hours apart are long. That is going to be continued all this week.

Yesterday, (Saturday) we celebrated my brothers' birthdays with Grandma Lana (my mom's mom). In the morning I went to our house-or rather my folks house, in Elm Mott-WOW! This is hard. In the afternoon we went swimming at Spring Lake. For dinner we went to Cyclone Corral Barbecue out by Westphalia. I'd never been there before. It's a family style BBQ place, all you can eat BBQ. I thought it was very good. They had brisket, ribs and sausage, potato salad and coleslaw, corn on the cob and bread. And for dessert they had peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream. There was no wait because it is all ready in advance. They are opened only Friday and Saturday evenings at 5:30pm. (Although not in the winter, because their eating area is some what open.) They have huge cooling fans and its in the evening, so it was quite comfortable. I know, you're probably wondering where the pictures are. We didn't have the camera along...sorry!
(Anyway, enough about that.)

Today, we went to church. Three of my bridesmaids are here in town.
Carla just got back this week after completing a year of inner-city mission work in Philly, PA.
We decided that they could wear their bridesmaid dresses and I could wear the party dress that I wore at our reception. I had wanted to bring the camera to church, but forgot it. Thankfully, Jolynn had brought her's. So there is a picture, I just don't have one to share.

(But here is one of all of us girls. Aren't my girls beautiful. I absolutely LOVED their dresses.)

And one of all of us.

Can't forget the cute flower girls :)

Anyway, that is all for now. Headed out the door for evening service :)