Thursday, October 23, 2014

Throwback Thursday

Just a few throwback pictures.
Bringing Megan home and our 1st 1/2 decent family picture.
Going on our 1st real walk.
1st time to the beach, well, the gulf of Tx counts. Right?

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Happy weekend!

Just sitting here on my phone shortly before midnight. Like most other nights, yes, yes, I do come online and not blog. Bad me.
So, I've discovered that once you fall off the train, it's a lot harder to climb back on. :-/
"Want to make God laugh? Tell Him your plans for the future." Paraphrased quote I read somewhere. It really made me chuckle and think. It is so true. I think when I came up with my topic, God laughed. Because instead of embracing life and it's changes, I feel more like a beetle that landed on a kite tail right before that over enthusiastic kid took off with it. Instead of embracing, its more of a hanging on for dear life.
Oh well, such is life. Goodnight people!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Megan's New Dress

*My sincerest and heartfelt regret and apologies. I accidently edited the original post and replaced it with this one due to a misunderstanding of the mobile app.*

In honor of WIWW, today I will show you a dress I recently made for my daughter.
It's pretty basic, but I was just trying out the pattern. All in all, I'm fairly happy with the results.
And I really must apologize for the picture quality, but the subject is so cute we can just overlook it. OK? :-)
And yes, she does think she is just that cute and hilarious. ;-)

Friday, October 10, 2014

Writer's Block

While trying to think about what to write, I'm starting to realize how few of life's changes I've actually experienced. Don't get me wrong, I know I've experienced the 2 big dream ones, marriage and a baby. :-)
When I started this topic, I knew that I didn't know everything about all of life's changes, but I expected to at least make it half-way before coming up empty.
When I was younger, I always had a lot to say. Probably one of the Proverbs my mom quoted the most often to me was, "Where words are many, sin is not absent." As an adult I still struggle with this. As a blogger, I struggle with why anyone would care what I have to say. Sometimes I think it's better if I just don't blog because then I won't say some thing wrong/offensive/embarrassing.
Then something will come up, and I will write a passionate post about it!
Anyway, thanks for stopping by!
Have a good evening!! :-)

I think I should apply this to blogging. :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


It's not anything glamorous. I wasn't going anywhere terribly special, but it's what I wore today.
I love fashion, but I've never really felt comfortable posting WIWW posts. Even though I enjoy seeing other's, I kind of wonder, "Who cares what I wear?" (And I always feel dumb posing for it.
As much as I love fashion and wearing cute things, I tend to just wear a T-shirt and denim skirt most days. Because it's just more practical, and becoming a mom has made that quite necessary.
They are pretty much the only things that will work with the extreme size fluctuations becoming a mom entails, but I won't get started on that!
So, we walked down to one of the local restaurants for dinner. The sunset was beautiful.
You've probably noticed that the pictures on this blog aren't very good, that is because they are pretty much all from my phone. Also, they are grouped at the end because I am posting from my phone and that is how the blogger app works. :-/

Monday, October 6, 2014

A Mommy Moment

What is more fulfilling and wondrous than to watch you little one(s) enjoy life and discover their world?
Becoming a mother is one of the most profound and multifaceted life changing events a woman experiences. Am I right?
It is also the most physically empowering, emotionally wondrous and terrifying life change that will make you reevaluate your whole life and value system, and question your abilities and sanity.
But watching your little one grow and learn makes it all worth it at least a 100x over.

I mean who can resist early morning cuddles and sleepyhead baby selfies? Not me! :-)

“There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” —Jill Churchill

“I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.” —Abraham Lincoln

“If I’ve learned anything as a mom with a daughter who’s three, I’ve learned that you cannot judge the way another person is raising their kid. Everybody is just doing the best they can. It’s hard to be a mom.” —Maggie Gyllenhaal

“Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.” —Oprah Winfrey

Have a good night!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

A (short) Sunday Meditation

"Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow." James 1:17
Isn't that a wonderful thought? No matter what all is going on in our life, all the crazy changing, God never changes. He will always be there for us. Thank you God!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

What about Expectations?

Upon reflection of life changes, I have come to realize that I have had (I still do, to some extent.) certain expectations about the different life changes and what they entail.
As a child, it just seemed like forever until I could be a "grown-up" and do big people things. Now... I wonder what was the hurry? Of course I remember, I wanted to be able to make my own choices and do what "I want", go here, do this, etc. But its really not that glamorous is it?
As a young christian engaged woman, I couldn't wait for my wedding and it seemed like our 8 month engagement was waaay tooooo loooong! "I can't wait to start forever!" Now that I'm married, it hits me, "A lifetime is a really long time!" Don't get me wrong, I love my husband and would totally still marry him if I had a do-over. But wow! We could be together for 70 years!!! What could've a few more months or even a couple of years hurt? Even so, I do remember why and can thus sympathize with young unmarried couples.
Expectations... We all have them somewhat. Right? Please tell me I'm not alone. I'm sure your's probably are at least a little different than mine, but we have them.
They can be embarrassing or hard to talk about, too. Because in retrospect, they may seem silly, dumb, or even completely unrealistic!
How does one let go of expectations? Please do tell me if you have insight!
I have managed to let go of my expectation that my husband will be home for dinner, or even always before bed time. I have let go, perhaps too easily, the need to always be on time, everywhere. It still bothers me, but its more important for me to have peace in our house.
Perhaps it simply deciding what is most important to us. A happy marriage, or plate covers on all your outlets and switches.
Well, this is really long and rambling. I'm not even sure if it makes much sense to me and I probably said too much, I'm sorry. :-/ (its something I struggle with.)
If you're reading this, wow! Thank you!!
Thank you for stopping by. I hope you are having a simply awesome weekend. :-)

Friday, October 3, 2014

Oh! The joys of life

It's a bit ironic that I chose the topic I did at this point in my life.
"Embracing Life and it's Changes"
Embrace life. That can be a bit of a challenge! Changes.... They happen continually. Sometimes less or more dramatically than other times. And some times more welcome than others.
I have a tendency to feel more complaining, rather than embracing.
Last night, I got home after being at work all day and spending the evening at my parents' house (they watch my daughter for the one day a week I work). I was ready to post and guess what? The electricity was out...and my phone battery was low, which meant no posting.
I will spare you all the sordid details, just imagine your electricity has been out all night and you will get the idea. :-)
DH was gone all night... just to make me really comfy. Kidding! (BTW, have I mentioned how much he works? I really appreciate his dedication to providing for our family. I just wish that he didn't have to spend so many hours away.)
My parents kindly offered that we could bring our deep freezer over to their house and crash here. Thanks Mom and Dad!
But I think, "What about all stuff in the fridge?" "I need to do this load of laundry." (Even though every other load is done, which is amazing!) Worry, stress...NO! I'm blessed! Yes, those things are true. But I've so much to be thankful for.
Like the tree that fell on a wrecked car under our bedroom window, and even though it sounded very creepy all night, didn't damage our house. Or the fact that while the first part of the night was miserable because the AC was working, but the storm at least brought cooler weather, so the rest of the night was fine.
Well, I'm not sure if this made any sense. Just what I've been thinking about.
Also, I'm blogging from my phone now, since our WiFi isn't working. We shall see if it works!
Blessing to you! Thanks for stopping by. :-)
P.S. They say it could take up to 3 days to get the electricity up and going.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

31 Days of Embracing Life Directory
Welcome! I hope you enjoy this adventure as much as I do!

Day 1: Letting you know what's up :)
Day 2: Nothing. Read day 3 to find out why.

Day 18:Happy Weekend

Day 23: Throwback Thursday

31 Days Embracing Life and it's Changes
"Mommy, mommy" cries a sweet little voice. My child trips around my knees, pulling on my skirt. And it all comes flooding back...this is why my blog is dead. This is the life I have chosen, the life I live. I like blogging, but my daughter is more important.
That said...
After being absent way too long, I decided TODAY that the challenge to write for 31 days is exactly what I need to get back in the groove.
 I'm planning daily topics such as Mommy Mondays. It's crazy! But it's my life.
 (I'm also going to overhaul and redesign this blog since it hasn't been touched in almost a year.)
So here goes!