Sunday, June 5, 2011

Home...What is that?

Okay. So we are in Texas-my home for 21 years of my life.
We see friends and they say to me, "Welcome back home!" Then Caleb talks about the coming trip to Colorado as "Headed home". Then...there is our house in Minnesota.
Where is HOME?!

They say home is where the heart is...

So we are in Texas...I love it here. To me this seems the most like home, but it only truly does right now because my husband is with me. He definitely has my heart, and some people would say my brain, as well! (But that is another story ;)

We got here late last Friday night and surprised my folks the next morning. (They weren't expecting us 'til that night.) We hung out with my folks that day. Sunday we went to my church. I know that sounds crazy but this is taking some adjustment. Sunday afternoon...more family time. Monday Mom and I went shopping. Very fun but slightly different :)
All week Caleb worked with Dad and the boys. Mornings I stayed where we are staying, sorting things out, doing laundry, etc. Afternoons at my folks place with the girls.
This weekend, however, Caleb is working out of town with some guys from church. The opportunity has been a huge blessing. But...the hours apart are long. That is going to be continued all this week.

Yesterday, (Saturday) we celebrated my brothers' birthdays with Grandma Lana (my mom's mom). In the morning I went to our house-or rather my folks house, in Elm Mott-WOW! This is hard. In the afternoon we went swimming at Spring Lake. For dinner we went to Cyclone Corral Barbecue out by Westphalia. I'd never been there before. It's a family style BBQ place, all you can eat BBQ. I thought it was very good. They had brisket, ribs and sausage, potato salad and coleslaw, corn on the cob and bread. And for dessert they had peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream. There was no wait because it is all ready in advance. They are opened only Friday and Saturday evenings at 5:30pm. (Although not in the winter, because their eating area is some what open.) They have huge cooling fans and its in the evening, so it was quite comfortable. I know, you're probably wondering where the pictures are. We didn't have the camera along...sorry!
(Anyway, enough about that.)

Today, we went to church. Three of my bridesmaids are here in town.
Carla just got back this week after completing a year of inner-city mission work in Philly, PA.
We decided that they could wear their bridesmaid dresses and I could wear the party dress that I wore at our reception. I had wanted to bring the camera to church, but forgot it. Thankfully, Jolynn had brought her's. So there is a picture, I just don't have one to share.

(But here is one of all of us girls. Aren't my girls beautiful. I absolutely LOVED their dresses.)

And one of all of us.

Can't forget the cute flower girls :)

Anyway, that is all for now. Headed out the door for evening service :)

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