Wednesday, May 11, 2011

On a ferry.

To some people this may be nothing unusual. But you see, this is my first time.

We are on the train from Copenhagen, Denmark to Hamburg, Germany. To get from Denmark to Germany we have to take a ferry. It was really cool. The whole train went in the ferry. All the passengers had to get off. It was like a 45 minute mini-cruise. We ate at a little German restaurant on-board. They had a shop on-board as well, that had things cheaper than on land, so I bought a bottle of Coke (they didn't have water :/) and a BIG bar of chocolate! :)
Sorry there aren't very many pictures. (I know pictures always make more interesting blogs.) The train windows are very dirty. We have seen many beautiful country-sides and are frustrated that we couldn't take pictures worth anything.

Me sitting in the lounge typing this blog on Caleb's phone...

_As a side note: Right after the train pulled out of the ferry, it stopped at the little port town. This guy got on and tried to go into first class (he obviously couldn't go in there) and the conductor argued with him about it. Finally he stomped into the car we are in, carrying a coffee cup. He was unsteady on his feet and looked hung up on something or another. The train pulled out and the conductors came through to check tickets and he didn't have one. The conductor, in a very nice and business like way informed him that he would have to get off at the next stop. He put up such a stink that she got his passport from him and wrote something in it. Then she wrote him a big, fat ticket. All the time, he was standing there insisting he had money and trying to grab his passport back. Terribly funny, except that it was a little scary as well. Now he is asleep. Hopefully he'll be able to sleep off whatever has messed his head up.

(A little ways up the road, the police come in and pulled him off the train. Here is a terrible picture, taken at night through the train window, of him standing outside the train still arguing with them.)

(Crazy how the side note was longer and more interesting than the original part.)

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