Thursday, May 19, 2011


My life is full of firsts right now. I know that there are always firsts in life. I mean, everything you do, you must do for the first time. But it seems especially so at this point in my life. I knew marriage would bring a lot of firsts, but some of them were pretty unexpected. Most of them have been good :)

Here are just a few of the many firsts taking place on a regular basis in my life:
becoming a wife, 
going on a honeymoon,
leaving the US
going on a cruise,
crossing the Atlantic,
traveling Europe,
riding the bus, (sorry for the awful picture :/ )
 and train...
...and, of course, BLOGGING!

Some things I've learned traveling Europe that would've been nice to know before-hand:
Denmark is VERY expensive, European hotels do not provide washcloths, German hotels do not provide soap and you have to share the bathroom with several other rooms (thankfully, they do have showers and sinks in your room though, usually). Nothing is free, their breakfasts add to the cost of the room. Traveling around Europe with anything more than 1 carry-on sized bag is a pain in the neck-literally! Gps is a must, the autobahn is any German highway with no speed-limit, just a minimum, usually 130 km/p/h.

There is so much more, but that's all I can think of for now :)
Until next time...

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