Tuesday, October 2, 2012

20 weeks...1/2 way!!

Today we celebrate the 1/2 way mark, 20 weeks!!
To celebrate, I dug out Caleb's tripod, and attempted more professional looking self-portraits. Ha!
I will not bore you with the dozens that I took in an attempt to get a few decent ones, but here are a couple.
I even trotted my pregnant self down to the canal just for you, toting both camera and tripod, in the hopes of getting a little better backdrop. Mind you, in the middle of the hottest part of the day! *pats self on back* Sometimes my brain smarts amaze even me...
At 20 weeks, your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (Thanks to Baby Center for that tidbit of info.)
Now, to officially celebrate I really just want to go to Starbucks and have a huge frappe! Before you judge me, know this: I haven't been there since before I got pregnant. I think I owe it to my self for behaving for so long! (Okay, okay, so I have had coffee a few times...it's not the same!)
We will see what the hubby says when he gets home :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

His Protection

Sitting at the library, writing this blog post. Lately, it seems that where ever we stay, has been places that have really bad cell phone service...

So, we are back from Texas...

Had a wonderful time with my family...
Got to meet my midwife and hear my baby's heartbeat...totally awesome!
Got to spend my birthday with my family and be there for my sister's 21st birthday ;)
Was able to see both grandmas...
My mom and sisters took my shopping for maternity clothes for my birthday...they totally spoiled me!
Was able to be there for my pastor's ordination...ok, so we aren't going to his church right now, but when we move down to Tx, we will...and he married us...so it was special :)

Ok, now for the interesting part...
On the way back...we had a tire go flat in Denver...only 4 hours from home...at 2am...after all the tire places are closed.
So...we had to stay the night there. We went to a hotel and booked a room. No big deal...you're probably wondering why I even bother to mention it. Just wait and see...
So we went up to our room, inserted the key...nothing. checked to make sure we were doing it right, we were, still nothing. After the 4th or 5th time, it worked. Strange..... We open the door and go in and I see the curtains blowing. Not good! Caleb says, "It's probably just the AC unit blowing them." Walks to the window and...leans out! Very bad!! (We are the second floor.) "Maybe they are just airing out the room." He suggests. "No! they wouldn't do that in the middle of the night." I replied.
We went down stairs and told the lady at the front desk. "That is NOT normal!" She says.
She gives us another room on the fourth floor. (Surely no one will climb in a 4th window...) We go up to the room, try the key and the red light flashes...meaning the dead-bolt is locked. Then I notice there is a "Do not disturb" sign hanging on the knob. "We need to get out of here!" I tell Caleb, imagining some irate, half-asleep person defending "their room".
We go back down stairs...quickly! "That room is NOT booked." The clerk tells us, with a worried look on her face. "Here is another room, but this time I will walk you up there!"
takes us up, lets us in our room, walks around...Caleb checks the windows, checks under beds, checks the bathroom... Lol! (But I am glad.)
He went back out to the car to get our stuff and I locked the dead-bolt after him.
We both thanked God for His protection that night!
The next morning, we got the tire fixed, and then (because he already wasn't gonna be able to make it to work on time) we went and visited his sister, Rebekah, who lives about 40 minutes east of Denver.
Then we drove home and stopped in Glenwood and walked around because we had the time :)

All in all, thanks to God, a good trip!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The inbetween-ness...

Right now, we are in a stage of transition. There are a lot of unknowns ahead for us. This is something I do not enjoy, but I know it is good for me. It forces me to put my trust in God and His leading, and my husband's leading as well!

As of now, we are staying with a dear friend and her family. Megan was the amazing piano and violin player at our wedding. She is an awesome person, and not because we are staying with her family! 
She just is :)

Last week, we lived in a motel. Three of the days, Caleb was in Denver with business. (Not fun.)

You might be wondering, "What happened to where you were living?"

Basically, because I am pregnant and no longer feel up to babysitting, we had to move. We were/are planning to move to Tx anyway, so we thought it would be fine. But schedules just didn't line up, so now we are here with no home and can't really get one because we are only planning to stay for one month between places. It is nearly impossible to find a short-term rental that is not vacational and extremely expensive!

It's been a stretch, and a lesson in trusting God and the hubby, but I know it is good for me. I've never felt so unprepared for the future in my whole life! But every step of the way, God has provided exactly enough. Not one penny or provision extra, but just enough.

The last few days, I've just been puttering around, crocheting baby blankets and offering Megan help around the house.

I try not to just bombard y'all with everything baby, but come on y'all, I'm pregnant. I pretty much breathe baby! Everything in my life, at this point, revolves around the current and coming changes to our little family.

For those of you who have wondered, I am feeling better, but am not yet out of the woods. I have lots of good days, with a few still really rough ones. Such is life!

Today is in fact 15 weeks!! If you know I am pregnant, you would def think I'm showing. But if you just ran into me at the grocery store, you might think I was just "letting it all hang out". Definitely an awkward stage to be in. :)

(Well, you are saved from another baby bump picture. You know, one of those awkward self pix taken in front of a mirror... I don't have enough service here to upload it.) 
Oops! I figured it out :)
I hope all of you are having a good week! And know that no matter what you are going thru, if you trust Him, He will always provide :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Some of you may have wondered why I have neglected my blog so much lately. Well, I had a good reason!

Mr. Jenks and I are expecting a little miracle to arrive sometime around February 19th!
Today, we celebrate 12 weeks!!

We are very excited and look forward to the many changes ahead. :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Just a few of my thoughts reguarding a major issue today.

This morning I come across a very interesting article written by a self professed Odd Man Out for claiming christianity and embracing a gay lifestyle.

First of all, I would like to say that I strongly disagree with him on some key points... However, he makes some very valid and biblical points that I would like to share, along with a few thoughts of my own.

Secondly, I understand that this will probably ruffle many feathers on both sides, so if you are easily offended, please, stop reading! I have a fairly unpopular take on this whole subject, as far as I can tell from the few discussions I've had. Also, if you are offended by religious things, please save yourself the headache and don't read either, as I doubt you can find much use for what I have to say! Thank you kindly :)

So, here goes...food for thought and prayerful consideration...
(All under-lining and italicizing are my own to highlight certain points that really got me.)
"The problem is much bigger than chicken sandwiches and gay marriage, though; the growing trend I mentioned earlier is an unwillingness to suffer with the world in order to empower others to maintain the difficult, counter-cultural values certain Christians profess. It’s much easier to vote against legalized abortions than it is to help a pregnant, impoverished teenager raise a child. It’s less work to enforce stricter penalties on drug users than it is to walk with a friend through the torment of detoxing. And it’s much easier to eat a chicken sandwich in support of traditional marriage than it is to navigate difficult questions about sexual identity and God’s will with actual human beings who experience nontraditional sexuality. When we succeed in forcing Christian morality standards on others, regardless of their faith convictions, we can assign them all the blame for failing to meet those standards, and we can rest assured of our own impeccable righteousness when we do manage to play by those strict rules. We don’t have to suffer with others because their suffering is their fault."
(This was the part that really got me, because it's so true.)

"Matthew 7:3-5 is one of those passages I revisit regularly because of the vividness of its metaphor, the sharpness of its brevity, and the searing impact of its insight into the dark places of my soul. I don’t bring it up to suggest that only perfect people have any right to rebuke lovingly the sins of others; obviously, that would lead to a gridlock in which none of us could ever challenge any of us. I would suggest, though, that those who are going to advocate loudly for a traditional view of marriage ought to go to great lengths to insure—not necessarily for the sake of reputation, but for the sake of integrity—they’ve submitted themselves to the full implications of the traditional view they’re espousing, because a traditional view of marriage certainly encompasses more than the “one man, one woman” definition to which current conversations have minimized it. Are you in a position to be removing specks from other people’s eyes, or is the plank in yours blinding you? How are you doing in terms of sexual purity, lust, and honoring people of other genders? If you’re married, how well does your relationship demonstrate mutual submission, self-denial, and faithfulness? If you’re not married, how closely do your thoughts and behaviors adhere to the kind of relationship dynamics to which God calls you? If you believe same-sex relationships are sinful, is it possible that any particular opposite-sex relationship could actually be farther from God’s design for marriage than a same-sex relationship, and if so, does that relationship (especially if it’s yours) merit more of your attention?"
(Very good point and something that really bothers me about the greater christian community. People get all offended and up in arms about the LBGT community and life style, while at home they cheat on spouses, live in sexual relationships outside of marriage, and the most common, are dishonest and lie-all of which are sins. Sins that are biblically condemned, yet are regularly practised in the christian church. We really need to get our own spiritual house together before condemning the life-style of people who don't even profess to believe!)

John 14:15 "If you love me, you will obey what I command."

Matthew 19:17-19: "Why do you ask me about what is good?" Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments. "Which ones?" he inquired.
Jesus replied, " 'You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother,'  and 'love your neighbor as yourself.' "

Now, I am not suggesting that we can save ourselves by works, I'm just saying if the work has been done, and we love Him, we will do what He says as a love-offering! :)

"I simply believe setting an example of a life lived with integrity to one’s values is probably more compelling and persuasive than any theological argument or legalese; and I’ve seen countless times how nothing undermines the traditional position on marriage and sexuality more than the revelation of sexual misconduct in the private life of someone well-known for espousing those values."

"A few of my Christian friends have told me, “It’s not my job to edit the gospel to make it easier for people,” and that’s absolutely correct. If we cheapen the gospel in any way to try and make it more palatable or appealing to outsiders, that makes us condescending and cowardly. It’s not our job to edit the gospel. But it absolutely is our job to carry each other’s burdens, and if the call of Jesus on a certain individual’s life is unbearably difficult or onerous to that individual, then the community has failed to provide the support and help God calls them to provide (Galatians 6:2). Calling people to difficult standards is loving and Christlike; calling people to uphold difficult standards on their own is unloving and entirely antithetical to the gospel, especially when the standards you’re calling people to uphold are so closely connected to relationships and intimacy."

Now to quote a few comments that were especially enlightening...I thought...
*If you only have time to read one, this is the best and closest to my heart. :)
"This is a very interesting and enlightening article, Brent! Thanks for sharing. I appreciate you sharing the hurt that some gay people experience. It is very real. And is very near to my heart. Having been raised by a lesbian mother and having several other close family members who are homosexual, I grew up in the gay/lesbian community. It was a gay man (a close friend of my mom's) who taught me how to drive a stick shift and who, ironically also first introduced me to Chick-fil-A. Not only did I work at Chick-fil-A for 8 years, I attended 2 CFA leadership conferences at CFA corporate and met Truett Cathy twice. My spiritual parents are the owners of a Chick-fil-A and if it weren't for their influence in my life I would be a train wreck (more than I already am). :) I feel like I have a unique perspective becaus like you, I too have one foot in each world. Here are my 2 cents for what they are worth. I agree with several things in your friend's post. First, his statement that, "supporting Chick-Fil-A by patronizing its locations in order to protect and promote a certain understanding of marriage is so disconnected from the actual issue (What do waffle fries have to do with gay couples?)" I completely agree! The funny thing is that Chick-fil-A wasn't trying to connect waffle fries and gay people or promote a certain understanding of marriage. It was an interview with the Baptist Press that a man simply stated that he supported the traditional Biblical family. It was not Chick-fil-A or Christians trying to promote an agenda. It was the media and the LGBT that made such big stink of it. I am supporting Chick-fil-A and encouraging others to do the same not because I think it is going to change the world or further a political cause, but because I want to help prevent economic bullying and infringement on first amendment rights. Because the media made a stink in attempt to make Chick-fil-A look bad and several liberal political leaders attempted to derail business because of a corporation's belief and I want to do the opposite. I think most people supporting the cause feel the same way and they know that a $6 combo meal does not in any way relieve us from our obligations to share the gospel and love hurting people. And any that may believe that are truly disillusioned. I also agree with what Brent said about financially speaking, "buying a fast food meal seems like a terribly ineffective way to achieve the goal". That is so very true, but there are not very many businesses who share our Christian values. The LGBT community has a laundry list of companies who give to their cause including Target, Home Depot, and Amazon. If it is okay for them to frequent those businesses in order to feel like they are in a tiny, minuscule way supporting their political beliefs, why is it not okay for me to do the same? Also, it is not fair to assume that Christians who are supporting Chick-fil-A are not also walking hand in hand with the hurting. My spiritual parents (who own a Chick-fil-A) have given their hearts and time to more hurting people (Christian and non-Christian alike) than anyone else I have EVER met. I watched my spiritual mom, pray with, cry with, financially support and encourage a woman in an unplanned pregnancy placing her baby for adoption. I was with her in the delivery room (and so was my spiritual mom) as this young mom birthed a baby she would never hold again. THis is not an isolated incident. This is how they live their lives. This is is true ministry and so many in the Chick-fil-A community are doing the same- beginning with the Cathy family. And for that, I will support their family and their business. And I will also continue to pray for minister to people- including my homosexual family members."

"They expect them to drop the most important thing in their lives without giving them a reason to. Sure, they say "because God doesn't want gay marriage". Well why would they sacrifice for someone (Christ) who they don't know, much less love. Introduce Christ first. We are not the ones who can transform anything. Love is Christ's model." (This is so true, how can they understand God's call and commandments if they don't know Him. I think it does more harm than good to try to hold others to christian values when they aren't even christians!)

"...it could also mean that the 1st Amendment is real and is active, no matter how many people disagree and want to lose their lunch of one person's beliefs. There is nothing wrong with what was said and it, in fact, should have been expected from a conservative Christian company. So be hurt, be in uproar if you must or if it makes you feel better. Opposing gay marriage doesn't mean you're a gay-hating bigot. Eating at Chick-Fil-A doesn't mean you oppose gay marriage."

Which brings me to this point...
Hehe! That's true, because obviously if he believes the biblical mandate of a day of rest, he most likely believes everything it says...just saying :)

If you read alllllll the way to here, wow! Either you are the the most bored person in the world, or you really wanted to read my thoughts. :) Either way, thank you! I hope you can be blessed and encouraged by at least one thing mentioned here!

Hebrews 10:24-25 "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works...encouraging one another..."

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Hello friends!

I hope you all are enjoying your weekend :)

Just want to take a few minutes and share with y'all some things I've been thinking about...
All of us have relationships of one kind or another. If we are lucky we have lots of them, both friends and family. If we are especially blessed, we have a few very, very near and dear relationships.

The closer we are to someone, the more they see of us-the real us. And, the closer we are, the greater impact we have on each other, be it good, or bad.
The closer we are to someone, the more our lives and choices effects them.
As far as I know, the closest earthly relationship we can have is marriage. I mean, seriously, who else shares mutual responsibility for a home, with all the stress that brings... and... gets to feel your elbow/knee/foot every time you turn in your sleep?! That's right, your spouse.
And while they are (I hope) the most dearest person to us in the whole world, they are the one who we save the worst for.

Think about it. You go to work, your boss might be unfair, your co-worker lazy, your customer crazy, but you keep your cool. You are polite and courteous, even when fuming. Then you come home, your spouse left their clothes on the floor, their shoes in the middle of the main walkway, they made a huge mess in "your kitchen", and poof! Just like that all the calm and collectedness flies right out the window. Nevermind that you didn't have time to make their lunch (thus the dirty kitchen) or do the laundry (thus the overflowing basket resulting in clothes on the floor).

All the pent up tension and frustration throughout the day just comes spewing out, aimed right at the heart of the person you love more than anything else in the world. (At least this is the case sometimes for me. I realize this might not be the case for everyone.)

I know this has been random musings of mine. But in closing... it seems to me that the closer that we are to someone, we can either bless them, or stress, them that much more. If we say something hurtful, it will have a lot more impact on them, than if we said the same thing to a stranger.

Anyway, friends, I hope y'all enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Love y'all!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Today, I've been missing my family. So I decided to post some random pix of the youngest :)
(*Beware* Cuteness overload!)

She was the cutest baby ever!

 My grandma said she thought that Bryanna was my twin, just 13 years younger. She often said that sometimes she wondered if Bryanna was permanently attached to my hip. I'm not sure about the hip, but I know she is attached to my heart forever <3 


 I mean, who could resist a smile/look like that?!

Miss Mischievous ;)

Oh no! She's getting big :(

Cool Lady...all grown up...at least according to her :-D

Oh...the toothless days...aren't they the cutest?

Snow Angel

She was beautiful, and the best flowergirl anyone could ever ask for :)

At our house...visiting. Grrr...I wish visiting and family weren't 2 words that go together often...

I love you Bryanna! This is a hug across the miles to you. So glad I get to see you, and everyone, here before too long :)
Chin up!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

the latest :)

Ok, so you might like to know what we are up to, since this was supposed to be a place I could let people know what the latest and greatest was in our lives.
Well, as some of you know, I have taken on a second job.
I am working on my 2 days off at a local fabric store and love every minute of it. The atmosphere is awesome and the co-workers are great :)
They are closing soon though, because the owners are reaching retirement age and wanting to "slow down and smell the roses". If you know of anyone that wants an established, lucritive fabric store, I know of one you can buy!
Our nieces turned 1 on Feb. 20th. They are as adorable as ever :)

Lucky me! I get to practice photography on toddlers :)
Btw, their mom freaks out every time I call them that, but they are!
They are both walking and Grace is talking!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A few quick thoughts on Valentines Day

Just thought I'd post a few thoughts, before dashing out the door to work :)
And don't worry...there isn't a lot of gushy stuff :)

Sooo... This is the day that every single dreads. They go on facebook and there is an over whelming amount of gushy, sappy stuff...they can't help but groan.
I know cause I was there...not that long ago. This is my second Valentines Day to be in a relationship-first of being married. I think because we are still newly-weds, according to some anyway, every weekend could be a Valentines holiday-that and that we don't have kids yet. Lol!
Caleb talked about getting a hotel to stay in tonight, but I asked him if we could put that money aside for after we have kids and do need to get out of the house in order to have a romantic evening :)
So today for Caleb and I isn't that big of a deal :) He asked me what I wanted and I told him a freezer. You know why? Because in the long run, it will benefit him! For a long time now, I've wanted a chest freezer so that I could make big meals all at once. Then freeze it in meal sized portions so we could have a nice home-made meal even on the days I work. (You know, no one tells you before you marry, that it takes just as long, and the same amount of dishes, to make from scratch a meal for 2 or 10.)  Perfect plan. Last night he told me that we could go today and pick one. Yay!! Awesome.

Anyway, I guess my focus has been that if you have a Valentine, you should tell them everyday of the year, not just Valentines day. Also, if you don't-don't worry, they will come along at the right time, even if it seems they are late :)

To all my single friends-I have not forgotten what it's like!
This one is for you :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My folks came to Colorado for Christmas!

This holiday season, Caleb and I were very blessed to get to spend it with family. We spent Thanksgiving in Texas with my family. For Christmas, my folks came here to Colorado and we spent Christmas with Caleb's family. Then we drove to California to spend sometime with relatives there.
While my folks were in Colorado, we went up on the Mesa, to Powder Horn, so the kids could sled since there wasn't enough snow in Junction. (We got quite a bit right before Christmas, so we did have a white Christmas...which was really nice.)

Ez trying to use her touch screen phone, while wearing gloves in freezing weather. Lol!
Mom taking pix
The view was beautiful!
♥ my hubby ♥

Got some cool light effcts...
On the brink of decision...
Ez, taking a turn.
Yes, that is my dear brother on skis.
Those are the best I have. I took a bunch with Ez's phone because mine died :/

After we got back, we had hot chocolate and chili. What an awesome way to warm up!

Ariella helping to get it ready.
Dad totally worn out.
Tobiah making use of our computer :)

Bryanna helping in the kitchen.
A very tired little girl.
Enjoying hot chocolate while rehashing the days spills and bumps :)
Chili anyone?