Right now, we are in a stage of transition. There are a lot of unknowns ahead for us. This is something I do not enjoy, but I know it is good for me. It forces me to put my trust in God and His leading, and my husband's leading as well!
As of now, we are staying with a dear friend and her family. Megan was the amazing piano and violin player at our wedding. She is an awesome person, and not because we are staying with her family!
She just is :)
Last week, we lived in a motel. Three of the days, Caleb was in Denver with business. (Not fun.)
You might be wondering, "What happened to where you were living?"
Basically, because I am pregnant and no longer feel up to babysitting, we had to move. We were/are planning to move to Tx anyway, so we thought it would be fine. But schedules just didn't line up, so now we are here with no home and can't really get one because we are only planning to stay for one month between places. It is nearly impossible to find a short-term rental that is not vacational and extremely expensive!
It's been a stretch, and a lesson in trusting God and the hubby, but I know it is good for me. I've never felt so unprepared for the future in my whole life! But every step of the way, God has provided exactly enough. Not one penny or provision extra, but just enough.
The last few days, I've just been puttering around, crocheting baby blankets and offering Megan help around the house.
I try not to just bombard y'all with everything baby, but come on y'all, I'm pregnant. I pretty much breathe baby! Everything in my life, at this point, revolves around the current and coming changes to our little family.
For those of you who have wondered, I am feeling better, but am not yet out of the woods. I have lots of good days, with a few still really rough ones. Such is life!
Today is in fact 15 weeks!! If you know I am pregnant, you would def think I'm showing. But if you just ran into me at the grocery store, you might think I was just "letting it all hang out". Definitely an awkward stage to be in. :)
Oops! I figured it out :)
I hope all of you are having a good week! And know that no matter what you are going thru, if you trust Him, He will always provide :)
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