Hello friends!
I hope you all are enjoying your weekend :)
Just want to take a few minutes and share with y'all some things I've been thinking about...
All of us have relationships of one kind or another. If we are lucky we have lots of them, both friends and family. If we are especially blessed, we have a few very, very near and dear relationships.
The closer we are to someone, the more they see of us-the real us. And, the closer we are, the greater impact we have on each other, be it good, or bad.
The closer we are to someone, the more our lives and choices effects them.
The closer we are to someone, the more our lives and choices effects them.
As far as I know, the closest earthly relationship we can have is marriage. I mean, seriously, who else shares mutual responsibility for a home, with all the stress that brings... and... gets to feel your elbow/knee/foot every time you turn in your sleep?! That's right, your spouse.
And while they are (I hope) the most dearest person to us in the whole world, they are the one who we save the worst for.
And while they are (I hope) the most dearest person to us in the whole world, they are the one who we save the worst for.
Think about it. You go to work, your boss might be unfair, your co-worker lazy, your customer crazy, but you keep your cool. You are polite and courteous, even when fuming. Then you come home, your spouse left their clothes on the floor, their shoes in the middle of the main walkway, they made a huge mess in "your kitchen", and poof! Just like that all the calm and collectedness flies right out the window. Nevermind that you didn't have time to make their lunch (thus the dirty kitchen) or do the laundry (thus the overflowing basket resulting in clothes on the floor).
All the pent up tension and frustration throughout the day just comes spewing out, aimed right at the heart of the person you love more than anything else in the world. (At least this is the case sometimes for me. I realize this might not be the case for everyone.)
I know this has been random musings of mine. But in closing... it seems to me that the closer that we are to someone, we can either bless them, or stress, them that much more. If we say something hurtful, it will have a lot more impact on them, than if we said the same thing to a stranger.
Anyway, friends, I hope y'all enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Love y'all!