Just thought I'd post a few thoughts, before dashing out the door to work :)
And don't worry...there isn't a lot of gushy stuff :)
Sooo... This is the day that every single dreads. They go on facebook and there is an over whelming amount of gushy, sappy stuff...they can't help but groan.
I know cause I was there...not that long ago. This is my second Valentines Day to be in a relationship-first of being married. I think because we are still newly-weds, according to some anyway, every weekend could be a Valentines holiday-that and that we don't have kids yet. Lol!
Caleb talked about getting a hotel to stay in tonight, but I asked him if we could put that money aside for after we have kids and do need to get out of the house in order to have a romantic evening :)
So today for Caleb and I isn't that big of a deal :) He asked me what I wanted and I told him a freezer. You know why? Because in the long run, it will benefit him! For a long time now, I've wanted a chest freezer so that I could make big meals all at once. Then freeze it in meal sized portions so we could have a nice home-made meal even on the days I work. (You know, no one tells you before you marry, that it takes just as long, and the same amount of dishes, to make from scratch a meal for 2 or 10.) Perfect plan. Last night he told me that we could go today and pick one. Yay!! Awesome.
Anyway, I guess my focus has been that if you have a Valentine, you should tell them everyday of the year, not just Valentines day. Also, if you don't-don't worry, they will come along at the right time, even if it seems they are late :)
To all my single friends-I have not forgotten what it's like!
This one is for you :)