So, you're wondering whats going on in my life? Well...a lot...and then again...not much. Do you know the feeling? I'm sure you do.
Caleb and his brother-in-law, Justin, are renting an airplane hanger out at the local airport. They are trying to get it set up as an auto body shop. This involves many hours. Yesterday, Caleb had me drawing up contracts for people that want to rent space in there to paint their own stuff. Yikes! I assure you, I have never done the like. I guess it didn't turn out too bad, because there are other contracts Caleb wants me to do.
If you've been on facebook than you know that we have gotten some of our formals back. Plenty to include in thank you cards.
Speaking of which... Is there a way to write a thank you card to someone you've never met, or met once on your wedding day, without it sounding impersonal and monotone? I have to do them! I want to do them! Its just slightly intimidating the number of them that I have to do. I sooo am individually hand-writing them. Ugh! I usually am very prompt with thank yous, but I've never had this many to do before. My only fear is that people will think that we are ungrateful for their gift, which is sooo NOT the case. Every time I use something given to us for our wedding, I am humbled and remember that looooooong gift list waiting, and the guilt grows. Enough! I'm sure that most of y'all by now are thinking, "Just DO it!"
So. I've been in Colorado with my husband. Right now we are renting the place next-door to his folks. We are still planning, eventually, to go to Minnesota to finish the house up there.
Lately, I've been spending some time with his sisters sewing. Towards the end of August, there is a peach harvest fiber festival here in the valley, and his family has been invited as guests of honor. You may be thinking, "What is a fiber festival?" It is a festival showcasing fiber crafts. Now you're probably thinking, "What's a fiber craft?" Anything that has to do with cotton, wool, etc. Spinning, weaving, sewing, knitting, crocheting, whatever. They are setting up a booth with spinning and weaving displays. They totally take it a step further than I do. Yes, I have spun, and I have woven, and may again, but WOW! They can do some pretty awesome things, although quite time consuming :) They also are setting up handmade products from their country store, and us girls are making some clothes to sell. Super excited! Found some cute jumper patterns for little girls and nice patterns for ladies' skirts.
I know that is more related to my clothing blog, (and for those of you that follow it, I'm sorry if you're bored by the occasional repeats between the two) but this is what is going on in my life!
Something I've been playing around with...! But us not knowing, where we are going be, when, its hard to come up with something to do. However, as soon as we know, I want to start a home-based business arranging flowers for weddings. That's right, you read it. I love doing it and most florists charge the most outrageous prices. I already have a wholesale account with a local florist supplier and I want to be able to create beautiful, custom flowers for brides, within their budget. Sooo can't wait to be able to start!
Just for discussion...
How much did you pay for your wedding flowers? Was it worth it? Who did them? Where they what you envisioned? Where they better or other than what you had envisioned? How much would be willing to pay for flowers at your wedding?
My flowers cost less than $250 and me and my girls did them. I loved them!
That's all for now. Gotta save some for next time!
Have an awesome week!